Monday, April 6, 2015

Team Liquid's AMA postponed after Piglet ended up in the hospital

 In a tweet about twelve hours ago Team liquid posted on their twitter that their Razer AMA has been postponed due to piglet having to go to the hospital due to some issues with his eyes.
 This tweet obviously had a few Team Liquid fans worried, but Piglet is okay. Team Liquid's General manager Jokasteve later said in a tweet that Piglet is completely fine, and being in the hospital will not interfere with the Semi final game. 

 Afterwards Team Liquid thanked everyone for their concern and said that their AMA will be at a date still being determined. I will try to keep an eye on Team Liquid's twitter to find the date of the AMA, and will post that update on our Instagram (@Lol_News_Now)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Gravity Gaming V.S Team Impulse

  Anyone who follows @Lol_News_Now on Instagram knows that I've spent a few hours watching the Gravity V.S TiP games from the spring split. I watched Gravity go 0-2 against Team Impulse, and replayed valuable game changing opportunities to  come to my prediction. Both teams have a huge appeal to me, they both seem to have a very lighthearted approach to League, and seem like they have fun with what they do, and truely don't care too much about the money.

   I predict that Gravity will pull out ahead just barely in what will likely be a 3-2 win. Gravity started off  Week one game one this split as the team everyone saw lose badly to Winterfox, but they did not give up. Gravity the very next day beat Cloud 9 and proved that one loss would not hold them back from a top tier position, after that weekend Gravity's trip has similar to a roller coaster with all of it's ups and downs 

 Patch 5.5 seemed to be Gravity's biggest turning point, at that point the meta switched from Assassins to tanks, and allowed their tank loving team comp to thrive. Gravity proceeded to go the first weekend after 5.5, beating Team Solo Mid and Dignitas. Team Impulse is on a hot streak as well, but they do not seem to fit quite as well as Gravity into this Tanky meta, in their most recent games they have still been playing high damage dealers who are quite squishy. 

  How Gravity can win: Hauntzer plays a tank, Keane plays a semi tank bruiser mid (Urgot?), SmiteSaintVicious plays a good tank jungle (And does not miss smite),  BunnyFuFu plays a hard CC support (Preferably Thresh), and Cop plays whatever fits best in the situation. This team comp seems to be Gravity's bread and butter for winning games, and too much change could disrupt Gravity's chance at the Semi finals.

I have never been so excited about a champion I've hated so much

  Teemo, even the name brings a foul taste to my mouth. I remember countless amounts of times early in my League career trying to lane against this beast as a top laner like Nasus only to find myself raging into one awful game. I remember switching to ADC around level fifteen trying to avoid him, only to find he was typically played in every place but the jungle, needless to say I had an un-ending rage towards him, and nothing would ever change that, or would it? 

   Just look at that splash art and tell me that is not the most bad ass Yordle you have laid your eyes on. I love everything about this skin, form his acid green glasses to the laser pointer on his blow gun. I might not ever play him due to a minor PTLD (Post traumatic lanning dissorder), but I can't say I won't waste my money on the skin just because it looks so amazing, don't judge me okay, I know a lot of people who forked over 20+ Canadian for a DJ Sona skin even if they have never played her in their life. Tell me below if you think you will buy this skin. 

Team Liquid On The Rise, CLG Cracking Under Pressure

  With the first Quarter final game out of the way not many people expected The Seventh place team, Team Liquid to beat the third place team, Counter Logic gaming in a 3-0, In fact CLG had a 68.27% to a 31.73% fan vote. This is not even the first time this has happened. 

  Last split CLG faced Curse (Now re-branded to Team Liquid) and lost a 3-0 once again. I am left wondering something, is CLG unable to handle the pressure of playoffs? Last split they came in 6th, and once again they were deleted faster than a half health Teemo against a fed Zed by a team that was having trouble finding their own personality. 

  CLG did not play a good game simply put, they had a slight lead early for every single game and were not able to punish Team Liquid for it. I think Team Liquid is a skilled team, and what I am saying is not to belittle them. I loved Piglet for the first time this split today because he finally seemed to have the proper amount of communication with his team to make his mechanical skill useful, Team Liquid’s Pick Ban phase went significantly better than it has in the past weeks, and their team fighting was on point. 

  I look forward to seeing them face against Cloud 9 and maybe even break the De ja vu I am feeling. Comment below if you think Team Liquid will do what they did last year, and lose to Cloud 9 or if they can pull out the victory.
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