Teemo, even the name brings a foul taste to my mouth. I remember countless amounts of times early in my League career trying to lane against this beast as a top laner like Nasus only to find myself raging into one awful game. I remember switching to ADC around level fifteen trying to avoid him, only to find he was typically played in every place but the jungle, needless to say I had an un-ending rage towards him, and nothing would ever change that, or would it?
Just look at that splash art and tell me that is not the most bad ass Yordle you have laid your eyes on. I love everything about this skin, form his acid green glasses to the laser pointer on his blow gun. I might not ever play him due to a minor PTLD (Post traumatic lanning dissorder), but I can't say I won't waste my money on the skin just because it looks so amazing, don't judge me okay, I know a lot of people who forked over 20+ Canadian for a DJ Sona skin even if they have never played her in their life. Tell me below if you think you will buy this skin.
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